Bob Bondurant, known officially as Robert Bondurant, was an American professional racing driver who plied his trade for teams like Shelby American, Ferrari, and Eagle. Bob Bondurant later became a driving instructor to the likes of James Garner, Tim Allen, Tom Cruise, Robert Wagner, Paul Newman, and others.
Bob Bondurant founded the Bob Bondurant School of High-Performance Driving which trained some great American racing drivers. Bob Bondurant was inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America in 2003. Due to the impact of Bob Bondurant and his training institute, he is regarded by many as one of the best racecar drivers in American history.
Who Is Bob Bondurant’s Wife Patricia Bondurant?
Bob Bondurant died on November 12, 2021, at the age of 88 years and was survived by his wife called Patricia Bondurant. Patricia Bondurant and Bob Bondurant exchanged vows in 2010 and they lived happily till the death of Bob.
Patricia Bondurant is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Bob Bondurant School of High-Performance Driving. Patricia Bondurant was a design draftsman for Teledyne Brown Engineering and was a senior architect for United Technology.
Patricia Bondurant earned her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Alabama and she founded Pat Ward Architectural Company.